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Technical Specifications

500 ppi is the recommended fingerprint image resolution for VeriFinger. The minimal fingerprint image resolution is 250 ppi. Also, the matching algorithm has a special mode for matching different scale fingerprint records, like different image resolutions or age-related changes in finger size.

All fingerprint templates should be loaded into RAM before identification, thus the maximum fingerprint templates database size is limited by the amount of available RAM.

VeriFinger biometric template extraction and matching algorithm is designed to run on multi-core processors allowing to reach maximum possible performance on the used hardware.

VeriFinger 2025.1 fingerprint engine specifications
  Embedded / mobile (1)
PC-based (2)
Template extraction components Mobile
Template extraction time (seconds) 1.34 1.20 1.34 0.60
Template matching components Mobile
Fingerprint Matcher
Fingerprint Matcher
Template matching speed (3)
(fingerprints per second)
3,000 40,000
Single flat/plain fingerprint record size in a template (bytes) 300 - 3,200
Single rolled fingerprint record size in a template (bytes) 1,100 - 6,600

(1) Requires to be run on iOS devices or Android devices based on at least Snapdragon S4 system-on-chip with Krait 300 processor (4 cores, 1.51 GHz).
(2) Requires to be run on PC or laptop with at least Intel Core i7-8700K processor.
(3) Speeds are provided for the maximized matching speed scenario. The templates should be extracted from images, which are not larger than 500 x 500 pixels. Setting the matching algorithm to higher accuracy or using templates from larger fingerprint images will require more powerful hardware to reach the specified speed.

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