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Customers and References

VeriFinger is used in more than 1500 end-user product brands worldwide. These references from VeriFinger SDK customers are available:

  • Poland Biometric Passport System is based on VeriFinger fingerprint recognition technology.
    Polish Security Printing Works, working closely with the Polish government selected Neurotechnology's VeriFinger fingerprint recognition technology to be the verification engine for all newly issued passports. The VeriFinger-based fingerprint system was implemented as a part of the biometric data capture in all 130 passport offices throughout Poland. High performance and flexible licensing options enabled Polish Security Printing Works to quickly obtain, develop and implement the technology.
    Read the case study (PDF).
  • Indian States Criminal AFIS is based on VeriFinger and MegaMatcher technologies.
    Indian police departments required a tool for the investigation of criminal activity through the quick and accurate identification of latent fingerprints collected at crime scenes. SecureMantra Technologies has developed the Criminal AFPIS Enterprise Solution using VeriFinger, and then MegaMatcher multi-biometric identification engine with the first deployment in May 2002. Today, police departments in seven Indian states and the National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science of India are using the solution with more than a million criminal records in the databases.
    Read the case study (PDF).
  • Border control systems in Spanish airports use MegaMatcher, VeriFinger and VeriLook for multi-biometric face and fingerprint identification.
    Indra has deployed quick access border control systems based on MegaMatcher, VeriFinger and VeriLook in the airports of Madrid-Barajas and Barcelona-El Prat for European citizens. The newly installed systems facilitate the rapid entry into national territory, and therefore the Schengen common European area, to travelers who own a Spanish electronic ID card or a European Community electronic passport. The systems perform a dual biometric test using facial and fingerprint recognition for passenger identity verification. All citizens of the European Union countries, the European Economic Area and Switzerland are eligible to use this system.
    Read the case study (PDF).
  • Childcare management system based on fingerprint identification was developed using VeriFinger SDK.
    The CONFIDENT Childcare Management System from Lifewares is used in daycare centers, churches and schools to control the dropping off and picking up of children by parents or guardians. Most childcare facilities manage the identity of children and their proper guardians using solutions like clipboards and papers, wrist bands, ID cards or claimchecks, but all of them are slow and unreliable. With the fingerprint recognition capabilities in CONFIDENT, every parent or guardian checking a child in or out of a facility accesses their account using their fingerprint.
    Read the case study (PDF).
  • Océ has chosen VeriFinger for their Océ TouchTo Print functionality. This functionality allows people to print their jobs with only one touch to an integrated fingerprint sensor.

A number of national-scale biometric identification projects use the fingerprint biometric algorithm as part of multi-biometric technology. The installations include voter registration, border control, passport issuance and national ID projects in countries like Mexico, Venezuela, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc. See the list of case studies for more information.

Neurotechnology Solution Partners use fingerprints recognition in their projects.

In addition to commercial software development, VeriFinger SDK fingerprint identification technologies are being used in a number of scientific studies and experiments in the biometrics and other fields.

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