Release notes for MegaMatcher Accelerator 11
List of releases:
- January 3, 2022
- October 25, 2021
- October 11, 2021
- August 12, 2021
- July 26, 2021
- July 5, 2021
- January 31, 2021
- December 15, 2020
- August 26, 2020
- March 25, 2020
- January 13, 2020
- November 28, 2019
- September 25, 2019
- August 26, 2019
- August 6, 2019
- July 12, 2019
- June 18, 2019
- June 5, 2019
- March 26, 2019
- February 3, 2019
- January 11, 2019
- January 6, 2019
See MegaMatcher Accelerator 2025.x release notes for the newer versions.
January 3, 2022
- Fixed issues where replicated partitions were kept in memory longer than needed.
Updates and improvements:
- Improved performance when replicated node leaves or joins cluster.
October 25, 2021
- Fixed several more issues involving network failures when MegaMatcher Accelerator is configured to use both federations or nodes without database.
October 11, 2021
- Fixed several issues involving network failures when MegaMatcher Accelerator is configured to use both federations or nodes without database.
August 12, 2021
- Fixed issue with federation replication failing to apply some tasks when one of the clusters is not ready.
July 26, 2021
Updates and improvements:
- Increase database processing speed in cases where database driver single threaded performance was lacking.
July 5, 2021
Updates and improvements:
- Replication memory usage optimization.
- Allow to change replication configuration dynamically without restart. Web Control Panel now allows to change the parameter conveniently.
January 31, 2021
- Fixed a bug with no database node failing reloading in presence of delete operations.
- Fixed issues in federation mode to properly handle additional connections.
December 15, 2020
- Fixed memory-only node synchronization issues.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs and issues.
August 26, 2020
- Fixed failover handling when one of MMA cluster nodes loses licenses. Now the broken node will exit so that the remaining healthy nodes could continue performing tasks. It is up to client application to repeat some identify tasks which fail before the failover happens.
- Fixed MMA node automatic start after machine restart.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs and issues.
March 25, 2020
Updates and improvements:
MegaMatcher Accelerator was extended to support multiple connections to licensing services.
It is now possible to specify several addresses host1:port1,host2:port2 (if port is omitted default 5000 is used).
MMA connects to all of the services.
Using installation script, specify -L,--lic-addr-list <address:port[,address:port,...]> - list of licensing addresses.
Issue diagnostics.
The solution detects the following issues and outputs appropriate error to MMA log:
- Some licensing service is inaccessible.
- Some license can be found in one service, but not the other (used license should be present in all licensing services for high-availability to work).
- Note: there is limitation that during startup time all licensing services need to be present, otherwise they would not be used. After that there is automatic handling of service disconnect/connect, dongle unplug/plug, etc.
Issue diagnostics.
The solution detects the following issues and outputs appropriate error to MMA log:
January 13, 2020
- Fixed issues with memory usage growing if large number of Identify tasks added in short time.
- Fixed a number of minor bugs and issues.
Updates and improvements:
- Reworked User Interface for WebConfig tool.
November 28, 2019
- Fixed socket exhaustion when using federations (Error: (-14) Cannot assign requested address).
Updates and improvements:
- Added possibility to use ODBC databases which do not support BIGINT type.
September 25, 2019
Updates and improvements:
- If face templates from the previous MegaMatcher Accelerator 10.0 are present, the current version of MegaMatcher Accelerator now allows either to re-extract the templates from images and re-enroll them into MegaMatcher Accelerator via a special parameter, or to continue in legacy mode configuration, which allows to use previous version templates at a cost of lower recognition quality.
August 26, 2019
The first release of MegaMatcher Accelerator 11.2.
Updates and improvements:
- Added support for fingerprint and face templates which were generated with corresponding new algorithms from MegaMatcher 11.2 SDK.
August 6, 2019
New features:
- A new parameter introduced to disallow enroll templates which have some non-accelerated modality. It is not enabled by default for backwards compatibility.
- Fixed issues in Federation – now all templates can be downloaded from another cluster without restrictions on which cluster originally enrolled them.
- Fixed an issue in webadmin with multiple entries not shown at the Federation connections page when cluster ID has changed for the same IP address.
- FIxed a memory leak in Enroll operations.
Updates and improvements:
- Improved backup speed and reliability.
July 12, 2019
New features:
- Users are now allowed to configure which nodes will store a full copy of database, and which do not require extra disk space for that. Note: nodes which do not store data locally need to download it from other nodes which do, increasing load on them.
- Fixed an issue with error messages, which in some cases were produced during restoring backup files from older versions of the product.
- FIxed an issue with backup file not created in some cases if Clear operation had been used.
June 18, 2019
- Fixed an issue with federations connections not ensuring that cluster is ready before applying remote operations.
- Fixed a bug with delete operations causing unfinished backup creation in some cases.
- FIxed an issue with installation script not properly handling more than one node address provided through command line.
June 5, 2019
New features:
- Added network and IO performance tests options to
- Added shutdown button in webadmin to immediately shutdown node, and Graceful shutdown to shutdown when all responsibilities are taken over by another node.
- Fixed an issue where Node dies with error 'Connection is dropped' on weak network.
- Fixed an issue with add-node functionality when config file is used.
- Fixed issues with statistics not shown in some cases.
- Fixed broken graphite metrics on some browsers.
- Fixed a number of small bugs and issues.
Updates and improvements:
- Optimized identification speed when database contains many repeated genuine fingerprint templates.
- Improved database loading and unloading, which is now faster and does not have side effects such as temporarily inaccurate record counts.
March 26, 2019
The first release of MegaMatcher Accelerator 11.1.
New features:
- Added palm print modality support.
- Fixed a number of small bugs and issues.
February 3, 2019
- Fixed issue with clear operation handling when loading database on restart.
- Fixed issues with the iris engine performance.
- Fixed a number of small bugs and issues.
Updates and improvements:
- The fingerprint engine in MegaMatcher Accelerator Extreme Edition is now compatible with NVIDIA TITAN V and Tesla V100 GPUs.
- List of recommended OS in documentation updated.
- Other performance optimizations.
January 11, 2019
- Fixed an issue with Internet licenses support, when they were not auto-obtained properly in initial release for editions other than Development.
- Fixed face template usage description and migration recommendations in documentation.
Updates and improvements:
- Clean exit support when stopping Docker container.
January 6, 2019
The first release of MegaMatcher Accelerator 11.0.
- Improved fingerprint matching algorithm.
- New face template format matching support.
- Licensing configuration through Web Config.