Release notes for MegaMatcher 10.0 line products
These release notes are relevant for the following products:
• MegaMatcher 10.0 Standard / Extended SDK
• VeriFinger 10.0 Standard / Extended SDK
• VeriLook 10.0 Standard / Extended SDK
• VeriEye 10.0 Standard / Extended SDK
• VeriSpeak 10.0 Standard / Extended SDK
See MegaMatcher 2025 product line release notes for the newer versions.
List of releases:
- December 1, 2018 (Revision 186632)
- September 14, 2018 (Revision 182882)
- July 13, 2018 (Revision 180563)
- May 30, 2018 (Revision 178878)
- March 23, 2018 (Revision 176566)
- January 23, 2018 (Revision 174364)
- December 15, 2017 (Revision 173239)
- October 25, 2017 (Revision 171427)
- August 31, 2017 (Revision 169753)
- August 7, 2017 (Revision 168881)
- June 21, 2017 (Revision 167245)
See also the list of release notes for previous versions.
December 1, 2018
Product revision: 186632
New features:
- Added support for Iris ID TD-100 device.
- Fixed a voice extraction error when audio duration is 60 seconds.
- Fixed issues with licensing on Android 9.
- Fixed Mac crash during application quit.
- Fixed issues in Fujifilm camera module.
- Fixed FireWire operation issue with Cross Match L Scan.
- Fixed issues with ANTemplate and other standard record support.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs.
Updates and improvements:
- Improved palm print matching speed (up to 2,000 per second on Core i7-4771 processor).
- Green Bit palm scanners now support palm positions.
- Updated Cross Match L Scan support libraries.
September 14, 2018
Product revision: 182882
New features:
- Added Iris ID iCAM T10 scanner support.
- Added Fujifilm camera support.
- Fixed Hongda S500 fingerprint scanner support.
- Fixed an issue with GreenBit fingerprint scanners which continued scanning if captured image was of unacceptable quality.
- Fixed list of Futronic scanners which support spoof detection.
- Fixed issues in these device modules: Futronic (Android), NextBiometrics, Hongda, Integrated Biometrics, CrossMatch IScan, CrossMatch LScan, HFSecurity.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs.
Updates and improvements:
- Suprema Real Scan module now allows to configure spoof detection threshold.
- Updated Nikon camera module to support latest devices.
July 13, 2018
Product revision: 180563
- Fixed biometric capturing device support, including Cross Match, Dermalog, CredendeID, ZKSoftware, Startek, DigitalPersona, NeuBio, IntegratedBiometrics, ARH and Suprema.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs.
- Added new licensing capabilities on iOS and Android.
- Added new functionality to ANTemplate (API, samples and tutorials) allowing to create ANType-X record from image buffer.
- Improved documentation.
May 30, 2018
Product revision: 178878
- Fixed issues with some activation dongles not working on Linux.
- Fixed fingerprint scanner support, including Integrated Biometrics Kojak, Green Bit, Suprema Real Scan.
- Fixed a number of issues with Android devices.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs.
- Added face liveness check to iOS sample.
- Updated Canon SDK to support newest devices.
March 23, 2018
Product revision: 176566
- Fixed an issue with ANTemplate Type-8 record creation from NImage.
- Fixed issues with some media formats which were not properly converted under Windows Media framework.
- Fixed an issue with ABI incompatibility between BLAS libraries causing face extraction to fail on Android under some circumstances.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs.
- Updated Integrated Biometrics support module on Android.
January 23, 2018
Product revision: 174364
- Fixed issues with NServer hanging on some high-load cases.
- Fixed an issue with NSubject creation from ANTemplate when format owner and type are not specified.
- Fixed a number of issues with Android device usage.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs.
- Added BioID BioSlap fingerprint reader support.
- Improved NServer support for all matching parameters available in NBiometricClient.
December 15, 2017
Product revision: 173239
- Fixed issues with face generalization.
- Fixed a bug with face detection when a face is rotated to 180 degree angle.
- Fixed ICAO validation fixes and attribute refresh in sample views.
- Fixed CbeffRecord TLV-encoded patron format Biometric type and subtype cross-validation.
- Fixed issues with ANTemplate.
- Fixed issues with NServer.
- Fixed issues with capturing from microphone on Windows 10.
- Fixed issues raised when IriTech IriShield device was not granted usage permissions on Android.
- Fixed issues related to IntegratedBiometrics scanner module.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs.
- Updated FMRecord, FCRecord and IIRecord quality block validation/calculation according to 29794-1:2016 standard.
- Updated Android build tools and gradle version in sample and tutorial builds.
- Updated Suprema SDK in BioMini scanner module.
- Updated Lumidigm SDK in device module.
- Updated CrossMatch LScan SDK in device module.
- Improved documentation (standards, odbc usage instructions, licensing components, etc.).
October 25, 2017
Product revision: 171427
- Fixed bugs with ANTemplate record.
- Fixed bugs in Face Verification component.
- Fixed issues with NLRecord.
- Fixed issues in licensing on Android 8.
- Fixed issued in Aratek scanner module.
- Fixed a number of other minor bugs.
- Added ANTemplate XML encoding for ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011, ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2013 Edition 2 and ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2015 standards.
- Added new tutorials for new ANTemplate functionality.
- Updated Cbeff TLV-encoded patron format to ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 standard.
- Updated face quality estimation.
- Updated to JNA 4.5.0 version.
- Updated jnidispatch libraries.
- Updated Delete operation example in Abis samples.
- Updated licensing component list in documentation.
- Optimized capturing from camera on Android.
August 31, 2017
Product revision: 169753
- Fixed bugs in Face Verification component.
- Fixed NServer port configuration.
- Added ARM linux 64-bit platform support.
August 7, 2017
Product revision: 168881
- Fixed voices NotActivated exception.
- Fixed a number of minor bugs.
- Updated NdmSupremaBioMini, NdmGreenBit, NdmLumidigm.
- Updated ANTemplate's non-ASCII fields parsing when no charset encoding is set in Type-1 record. By default non-ASCII characters are decoded as UTF-8.
June 21, 2017
Product revision: 167245
The first release of MegaMatcher 10.0 SDK line.
Improved algorithms
- Fingerprint extraction, matching, and generalization algorithms have been improved.
- New fingerprint quality estimation is included.
Minimal minutia count
Fingerprint extractor reports an error status if fingerprint does not meet minimal quality requirements. In that case application should attempt to rescan the fingerprint. However, in some cases there is no possibility to rescan and it is preferable to decrease default requirements to extract lower quality template rather than have no template at all. NBiometricEngine now exposes a FingersMinimalMinutiaCount property for that purposes. Also, FingersQualityThreshold property is often used together.
Improved algorithms
- Face detection has been enhanced to detect even more faces and support higher degrees of rotation. The new algorithms are automatically enabled by increasing MaximalRotation parameters in NBiometricEngine. Also there is a "Faces.DetectMore" which detects even more faces the default detector cannot find.
- Profile faces images are now fully supported: profile faces can be detected, extracted, and matched. Please note that it is not possible to match profile faces with frontal.
- Previously face detection confidence was stored in NBiometricAttributes.Quality property. After template extraction the same Quality property was updated with extraction quality value. To avoid this confusion, a new NBiometricAttributes.DetectionConfidence property was introduced specifically for detection confidence. Quality property now only contains template extraction quality. This is a backwards incompatible change which may require changes in user application (if application uses the properties directly). NFaceView components supplied with the SDK will handle the new properties automatically.
- New age detection algorithm is included.
New checks:
- Face Darkness
- Pixelation
- Looking Away
- Skin Reflection
- Glasses Reflections
- Red Eye
- Skin Tone
- Washed Out Colors
- "ICAO" fixes: Red-eye correction.
New checks:
- Liveness check: Custom liveness check steps support. Ported liveness actions from FaceVerification custom project.
- Irises extractor was enhanced to better handle complex extraction cases. This can greatly improve recognition accuracy for databases which contain many badly scanned images.
- A new irises detection confidence value is available which can be helpful to determine if images should to be rescanned.
- .NET libraries updated to use .NET framework 4.5 (from 2.0).
- Async versions for most of methods in NBiometricEngine and NBiometricClient are now available in addition to synchronous ones. Legacy Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) is still supported for backwards compatibility.
- Previously Neurotec.Media_FX35 and _FX45 libraries were distributed to allow NImage conversion to WPF images. Now this functionality is integrated into Neurotec.Media.dll and these extensions are no longer provided separately.
- System.Drawing.Point and System.Drawing.Rectangle have been replaced with the same named classes in Neurotec.Drawing namespace. This should help to remove unneeded dependencies for Windows or ASP.NET services.
- .NET Portable libraries have been replaced with .NET Standard 1.1. They can be useful if writing portable software which needs to support multiple platforms. Support for platform-specific features, such as image conversion to WinForms or WPF bitmaps is excluded. The libraries can be found in Bin/dotNET_Standard directory.
Upgraded supported programming and development environments
- Dropped armeabi (ARM v5) architecture support in Android. Minimal supported Android version raised accordingly to 19. Currently supported architectures include armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86.
- Dropped support for Visual Studio 2008. Currently supported versions include VS 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2017.
- Windows XP is no longer supported. If your application requires Windows XP support, please use NeurotecSDK product line 9.0.
- New multimodal sample is included which demonstrates how to use multiple biometric modalities (fingerprints, faces, irises, etc.) in a single app.
- NCore.setContext() no longer requires Activity or Service context. ApplicationContext can be used instead. However, some fingerprint scanners will not work in such case.
Implemented new ANSI/NIST-ITL 1 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric Information) standards:
- New standard versions - ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011, ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2013 Edition 2 and ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2015.
- Implemented "Incits 378" vendor block, defined by INCITS Technical Committee M1 developed standard INCITS 378, for Minutiae data (Type-9) record.
- Added Type-20 (Source representaton) and Type-21 (Associated context) records.
- Deprecated Type-3, Type-5 and Type-6 records.
- Simplified ANTemplate/Type-X records API by adding empty constructors.
Implemented new ANSI/NIST-ITL 1 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric Information) standards: