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SDK contents and voice components

VeriSpeak SDK is based on VeriSpeak voice recognition technology and is designed for biometric systems developers and integrators. The SDK allows rapid development of biometric applications using functions from the VeriSpeak algorithm. VeriSpeak can be easily integrated into the customer's security system. The integrator has complete control over SDK data input and output.

VeriSpeak is available as the following SDKs:

  • VeriSpeak Standard SDK is designed for PC-based, embedded or mobile biometric application development. It includes Voice Matcher and Extractor component licenses, programming samples and tutorials and software documentation. The SDK enables the development of biometric applications for Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS operating systems.
  • VeriSpeak Extended SDK is designed for biometric client-server application development. It includes all features and components of the Standard SDK with the addition of Voice Client component licenses for PCs and Android devices, sample client applications, tutorials and a ready-to-use matching server component.

The table below compares VeriSpeak 2025.1 Standard SDK and VeriSpeak 2025.1 Extended SDK. The list can be narrowed with filtering by certain requirements based on the target biometric system. See the licensing model for more information on specific license types.

Select the required biometric components:
Show all components
Filter the list of biometric components:
Fingerprint components
Face components
Iris components
Voice components
Palm print components
Server-side components (multiplatform)
Windows, macOS or Linux client components
Android, iOS and ARM Linux client components

Samples and Tutorials

VeriSpeak SDK includes programming samples and tutorials that show how to use the components of the SDK to perform voice template extraction or matching against other templates. The samples and tutorials are available for these programming languages and platforms:

  Microsoft Windows Linux macOS Android iOS
Programming samples
 • C/C++ + + +    
 • Objective-C         +
 • C# +        
 • Visual Basic .NET +        
 • Java + + + +  
Programming tutorials
 • C + + +    
 • C++ + + +    
 • C# +        
 • Visual Basic .NET +        
 • Java + + + +  
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