MegaMatcher On Card Fingerprint Algorithm for Smart Cards Succeeds in NIST MINEX III Evaluation
The Neurotechnology MegaMatcher On Card algorithm for fingerprint matching on a smart card is compliant with the same NIST MINEX III criteria used to evaluate much more resource-intensive PC-based algorithms.
Vilnius, Lithuania – November 21, 2016 – Neurotechnology, a provider of high-precision biometric identification and object recognition technologies, today announced that the MegaMatcher On Card fingerprint matching algorithm implementation for smart cards was submitted for the NIST Minutiae Interoperability Exchange (MINEX) III evaluation and successfully passed all the mandatory steps of the evaluation protocol.
The MINEX III evaluation is a continuing test of fingerprint templates used to establish compliance of template generators and template matchers for the SP 800-76-2 Biometric Specifications for Personal Identity Verification (PIV) U.S. Government program for interoperability, native accuracy and ANSI INCITS 378 standard compliance requirements.
Because there is not yet a specific NIST MINEX evaluation for fingerprint matching on smart cards, the template matcher named Neurotechnology+0204 was evaluated as a PC-based algorithm. It passed the same requirements as algorithms that usually run on much more resource-intensive processors. MegaMatcher On Card implements the exact same fingerprint matching technology as Neurotechnology+0204, which is so efficient it can also run on the tiny microcontrollers in smart cards.
"The algorithms submitted for NIST MINEX III evaluation are normally designed to use the resources of standard PCs and servers," said Antonello Mincone, business development manager for Neurotechnology. "Meeting the same criteria with our MegaMatcher on Card algorithm affirms to our customers that high quality, accurate and reliable fingerprint recognition can run efficiently on very small, secure microcontrollers embedded in smart cards or other tokens used in fields like National ID projects or payment applications products."
While being proven very accurate by the NIST Minex III criteria, this algorithm is also fast. For example, it can verify the true card holder's fingerprint data in less than 0.5 seconds, on average, on a NXP P60 chip. Moreover, the library size fits in less than 16 Kb, including Java level on Java Card OS. An average size fingerprint template with 48 minutiae and mandatory public data may use less than 256 bytes for persistent storage.
MegaMatcher on Card from Neurotechnology also has the advantage of providing multi-biometric match-on-card technology capabilities that include fingerprint, face and iris modalities. For each of those modalities, instead of matching biometric information on a PC processor, MegaMatcher on Card performs the biometric template matching in a microprocessor embedded in the smart card. This method ensures that personal biometric information does not transfer to an external computer as it would in a more basic template-on-card system, enhancing the security of the system.
More information on the MINEX III evaluation extended testing criteria and results may be found at the official NIST website. Additional comments and highlights of Neurotechnology's results can be found on the Neurotechnology website.
MegaMatcher on Card and the entire Neurotechnology biometric product line are available through Neurotechnology or from distributors worldwide. For more information, go to www.neurotechnology.com.
About Neurotechnology
Neurotechnology is a provider of high-precision software and development products for biometric fingerprint, face, iris, palmprint and voice identification; object recognition; AI and robotics. Drawing from years of academic research in the fields of neuroinformatics, image processing and pattern recognition, Neurotechnology was founded in 1990 in Vilnius, Lithuania and released its first fingerprint identification system in 1991. Since that time the company has released more than 130 products and version upgrades for identification and verification of objects and personal identity. More than 3000 system integrators, security companies and hardware providers integrate Neurotechnology's algorithms into their products, with millions of customer installations worldwide.
Media Contact
Jennifer Allen Newton
Bluehouse Consulting Group, Inc.
jennifer (at) bluehousecg (dot) com