SDK Contents
FingerCell 3.3 SDK is based on FingerCell 3.3 technology that is specially designed for integrating biometric fingerprint recognition into hardware with low-power, low-memory microcontrollers. The fingerprint templates created with FingerCell SDK are compatible with VeriFinger SDK, MegaMatcher SDK and MegaMatcher On Card SDK biometric technologies. Also, FingerCell SDK is compatible with third-party biometric systems, as it accepts and generates fingerprint templates in ISO/IEC 19794-2 and ANSI/INCITS 378 formats.
The following types of FingerCell 3.3 SDK are available:
- FingerCell 3.3 ARM Linux SDK – provides the FingerCell components as a shared library, which is compiled for ARM Linux platform. The components are intended to be run on hardware, which meets the system requirements. The SDK also includes documentation with programming samples and tutorials. See also the licensing model.
- FingerCell 3.3 Library SDK – provides the FingerCell components as a static library, which is compiled for required platform. The SDK also includes documentation with programming samples and tutorials. See also the licensing model.
- FingerCell 3.3 Source Code SDK – provides the FingerCell components as source code, which is intended for porting into required platform. The SDK also includes full documentation for the source code. See also the licensing model.
The FingerCell SDK components provide this functionality:
Fingerprint template extraction.
The component creates fingerprint templates from fingerprint images which are provided to the component by integrators.
A fingerprint template can store biometric data from several fingerprint images in separate sub-records.
The following fingerpring template storage formats are supported:
- Neurotechnology proprietary fingerprint template format;
- ISO/IEC 19794-2:2005 with Cor. 1:2009 (Biometric Data Interchange Formats – Finger Minutiae Data (General Record and On-Card Formats)).
Fingerprint template matching.
Template matching can be performed in 1-to-1 (verification) and 1-to-many (identification) modes.
The component accepts fingerprint templates in the following formats:
- Neurotechnology proprietary fingerprint template format;
- ISO/IEC 19794-2:2005 with Cor. 1:2009 (Biometric Data Interchange Formats – Finger Minutiae Data (General Record and On-Card Formats)).
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